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Choose and compare different material combinations to design your new look.

Then schedule your in-store visit to discuss pricing** and place your order.

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Custom ordering this piece will take 4 - 6 weeks.


Chip Power Rocker Recliner

Custom ordering this piece will take 7 - 11 weeks.

Chip Power Rocker Recliner

Custom ordering this piece will take 7 - 11 weeks.


Body - Cafe (593-70)

Black (824-00)
Denim (962-40)
Dusk (818-40)
Indigo (576-40)
Indigo (634-40)
Indigo (936-40)
Lapis (137-40)
Midnight (296-40)
Navy (145-40)
Oxford Blue (775-40)
Seaspray (634-42)
Ocean (273-40)
Almond (936-80)
Antique (959-80)
Beach (123-72)
Birch (634-72)
Brie (627-80)
Cafe (593-70)

Selected Fabric

Show favorites (0)
Show favorites (0)

Click selected material to toggle favorite status

Black (824-00)
Denim (962-40)
Dusk (818-40)
Indigo (576-40)
Indigo (634-40)
Indigo (936-40)
Lapis (137-40)
Midnight (296-40)
Navy (145-40)
Oxford Blue (775-40)
Seaspray (634-42)
Ocean (273-40)
Almond (936-80)
Antique (959-80)
Beach (123-72)
Birch (634-72)
Brie (627-80)
Cafe (593-70)
Caffelatte (824-82)
Camel (298-80)
Canyon (119-54)
Dark Stone (824-74)
Dove (123-80)
Fossil (108-80)
Fossil (309-80)
Granite (962-72)
Mocha (143-72)
Mocha (145-70)
Moondust (108-11)
Pebble (061-80)
Pewter (649-72)
Pewter (723-80)
Sand (296-80)
Shell (593-11)
Shell (959-11)
Sisal (106-80)
Smoke (955-70)
Steel (824-02)
Teak (594-72)
Timber (208-80)
Truffle (061-72)
Twine (962-80)
Vanilla (818-11)
Copper (869-54)
Flannel (385-72)
Granite (841-80)
Linen (553-01)
Ash (061-01)
Ash (147-02)
Ash (818-02)
Coal (959-04)
Cobblestone (108-01)
Dove (959-02)
Driftwood (208-01)
Driftwood (576-01)
Driftwood (818-01)
Glacier (061-11)
Glacier (962-01)
Graphite (296-01)
Graystone (106-02)
Kohl (594-02)
Linen (421-01)
Moondust (936-11)
Muslin (298-01)
Nickel (634-01)
Overcast (147-01)
Pebble (593-01)
Pewter (984-02)
Quarry (108-02)
Quarry (962-02)
Slate (143-01)
Slate (145-01)
Slate (576-02)
Spray (123-01)
Steel (296-02)
Tweed (627-01)


Body - Cafe (593-70)

Black (824-00)
Denim (962-40)
Dusk (818-40)
Indigo (576-40)
Indigo (634-40)
Indigo (936-40)
Lapis (137-40)
Midnight (296-40)
Navy (145-40)
Oxford Blue (775-40)
Seaspray (634-42)
Ocean (273-40)
Almond (936-80)
Antique (959-80)
Beach (123-72)
Birch (634-72)
Brie (627-80)
Cafe (593-70)

Selected Fabric

Show favorites (0)
Show favorites (0)

Click selected material to toggle favorite status

Black (824-00)
Denim (962-40)
Dusk (818-40)
Indigo (576-40)
Indigo (634-40)
Indigo (936-40)
Lapis (137-40)
Midnight (296-40)
Navy (145-40)
Oxford Blue (775-40)
Seaspray (634-42)
Ocean (273-40)
Almond (936-80)
Antique (959-80)
Beach (123-72)
Birch (634-72)
Brie (627-80)
Cafe (593-70)
Caffelatte (824-82)
Camel (298-80)
Canyon (119-54)
Dark Stone (824-74)
Dove (123-80)
Fossil (108-80)
Fossil (309-80)
Granite (962-72)
Mocha (143-72)
Mocha (145-70)
Moondust (108-11)
Pebble (061-80)
Pewter (649-72)
Pewter (723-80)
Sand (296-80)
Shell (593-11)
Shell (959-11)
Sisal (106-80)
Smoke (955-70)
Steel (824-02)
Teak (594-72)
Timber (208-80)
Truffle (061-72)
Twine (962-80)
Vanilla (818-11)
Copper (869-54)
Flannel (385-72)
Granite (841-80)
Linen (553-01)
Ash (061-01)
Ash (147-02)
Ash (818-02)
Coal (959-04)
Cobblestone (108-01)
Dove (959-02)
Driftwood (208-01)
Driftwood (576-01)
Driftwood (818-01)
Glacier (061-11)
Glacier (962-01)
Graphite (296-01)
Graystone (106-02)
Kohl (594-02)
Linen (421-01)
Moondust (936-11)
Muslin (298-01)
Nickel (634-01)
Overcast (147-01)
Pebble (593-01)
Pewter (984-02)
Quarry (108-02)
Quarry (962-02)
Slate (143-01)
Slate (145-01)
Slate (576-02)
Spray (123-01)
Steel (296-02)
Tweed (627-01)

**Additional costs will apply from stocked piece. 40% non-refundable restocking fee if cancelled or returned.
