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Spring Cleaning: Mattresses

Wrap up your spring cleaning to-dos with some basic mattress maintenance.

Spring cleaning is the time we tidy up everything we can see, including floors, walls and furniture. Take a look at the other articles in our Spring Cleaning Series to get guidance on cleaning and maintaining your wood and upholstered furniture, flooring and rugs, as well as improving organization in your home. But there’s an important household item that you don’t usually see, that you might not even be thinking about. Here’s a clue: you’ve spent about a third of your time with it this past winter. That’s right: it’s your mattress!

Now’s a good time to consider this important item in your home and how much it means in terms of sleep, health and comfort. Here are some questions to ask and steps to take as you make mattress care part of your spring cleaning.

Is My Mattress Properly Supported?

If your mattress is sagging at night, now is a good time to consider whether you have it on an appropriate foundation. There is a huge selection of bed foundations available to fit mattresses of all shapes and sizes. Most modern sleepers use foundations to support their mattresses, especially if they have a memory foam bed. This wooden or steel frame is covered in fabric and sits underneath the mattress to distribute and absorb weight. This means less sinking or sagging over time. While they are sometimes mistakenly referred to as “box springs”, mattress foundations provide more support and can be used with more types of beds. Memory foam mattress foundations are specially designed to add extra support and reduce the chances of back pain on these beds. But you can also get foundations that are specifically designed for innerspring, pillow top, airbed or latex mattresses.

Many contemporary beds, including storage beds with drawers underneath and other platform beds, rest on a solid platform that’s part of the bed frame, and don’t require an additional foundation.

A proper mattress foundation will support your mattress against sagging and extra wear.

Is It Time for a New Mattress?

Even the best and most carefully tended mattresses don’t last forever. If you’ve been waking up with a backache, or if your mattress isn’t as comfortable as it once was, it may be time for a new one. If there are ridges and valleys, the mattress is ready to retire. A typical mattress life is eight to ten years, so if your mattress is older, take an especially close look.

Is My Mattress Protector in Good Shape?

The mattress protector is the first line of defense for your mattress. You should always use one, one that resists liquids and is breathable. It protects the mattress from dirt, dust, moisture and debris. It keeps out skin oils and perspiration. It prevents mold, mildew and other allergens from building up on your mattress. And, unlike a mattress, you can throw it in the wash.

A mattress cover doesn’t last indefinitely. If yours is looking worn-out, replace it.

What’s the Best Way to Clean a Mattress?

You maximize the life of your mattress with regularly cleansing. Spring is a great time for cleaning a mattress deeply and thoroughly.

  • Strip the bed and wash everything. Throughout the year wash the linens every week or two and the mattress protector about every other month. Oh, and if those linens are getting thin and worn, treat yourself and your mattress to some new ones.
  • Vacuum using an upholstery attachment. You’ll want to continue to do this about once a month all year long.
  • Take care of stains and dirty spots. Here’s how to clean a mattress and get rid of those soils. Use a little bit of water with some mild soap. Be sure it’s just a little bit: never drench or soak a mattress. Scrub gently with a soft brush. If some of the spots are odorous, sprinkle them with a little baking soda, leave it for 20 minutes and then vacuum again. Make sure the mattress is completely dry before you put the protector back on.
  • Air out your mattress. If it’s a dry, sunny day and you can give it a “sunbath,” so much the better.
  • Rotate your mattress when you put it back on. If there’s a foundation, rotate that as well. If it’s an innerspring mattress and both sides are the same, flip it. Most memory foam mattress have a top and a bottom and should not be flipped. The manufacturer’s instructions will tell you whether to flip. Mattresses should be rotated every two to six months and box springs twice a year. Flippable mattresses should be flipped when they’re rotated.
  • As you’re putting your bed back together, consider topping the job off with some new bedding, either some new quilts and blankets or just a new throw pillow to spruce things up.

There are few things in your home as important to your health and well-being as your mattress. A well-maintained quality mattress is a gift for your back and will provide you with years of sound, comfortable sleep. Take care of your mattress, and your mattress will take care of you!

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