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Bed Placement

Where to position your bed to create a relaxing and functional bedroom.

When you fall into bed at night, is it comfortable, refreshing and natural? Is that bed in the ideal location? When you moved in, did you ask yourself where should a bed be placed in a bedroom? Does bed placement really make a difference?

It might. There are a lot of opinions about bed placement in bedroom based on tradition, culture, psychology and personality. Also, you can use feng shui, the arrangement of objects to promote the positive flow of energy, to guide you. Even skeptics agree that the principles of feng shui often lead to results that are visually pleasing and comforting.

Which wall should my bed face?

Traditionally, the headboard is placed against the main wall. That’s the most popular choice worldwide. It’s also the feng shui choice; you need a strong supporting wall to create and hold positive energy. If the bedroom is square, the bed normally goes smack in the middle along the room’s center axis. Go a little off-center if you need to balance a window. In a rectangular room, you might cut it in half, with the bed dominating one side and the rest of the furniture on the other.

There are some exceptions. If there are water pipes or gas ducts behind the main wall, choose a different one. And you don’t want to share a wall with a kitchen or bathroom.

Sometimes it’s not clear which is the main wall, which brings us to the next consideration.

Should my bed face the door?

Most people appreciate a view of the door from the bed. The most common choice is the wall opposite the door but not aligned with it. This is a position of command, enabling you to see the entrance but limiting your exposure from it.

Another option is the same wall as the door. Feng shui says this is a no-no, but there are some practical arguments in favor. Light from a hallway is less bothersome. Also, keeping yourself hidden while still seeing the door (and windows) is psychologically comforting. It fulfills a primal urge to feel secure.

In some cultures, pointing your feet toward the door is discourteous, as it insults anyone who walks in while you’re sleeping.

How should my bed be positioned in regards to windows?

Take light and temperature into account. A bed close to a window will be colder in winter. An east or west window produces early or late light and heat in summer. A view of a window from opposite is nice, particularly one with a panoramic view. A headboard under a window blocks light.

There are practical as well as energy-based reason to be careful about putting a bed under a window: it’s harder to open and close windows, curtains and shades. Between two windows, however, can be an excellent choice.

Compass Direction

Which way should my bed face? North, south, east or west? Unless you know your favorable or “lucky” direction, you may not care. Some say east is best, while others claim south takes advantage of natural north-to-south flow of energy. In some cultures, a head facing north is associated with death.

Size of Room

If you have a large enough room, one creative idea is to ignore the walls and stand your bed free in the center of the room. In a small room, it could go lengthwise against a wall or even in the corner. Some say not to do this for aesthetic or energy-based reasons, but if it maximizes space, maybe it’s the right solution for you. After all, people put bunk beds against walls and no one gets upset about it.

The Rest of the Room

There should be balance. For example, if there’s a nightstand, it’s nice to have one on each side, although they don’t have to match. Feng shui has guidelines about furniture placement. For example, don’t let any sharp angle, such as the corner of a dresser or desk, point at the bed. Don’t put your bed under a chandelier or beam. Don’t position it opposite a mirror. But others argue it’s pleasing to look at a major feature such as a mirror.

Everyone agrees with an unobstructed room where you can walk about freely. If you are short on space, consider a storage bed that saves you floor space by offering under-bed drawers on the sides or footboard.

Other Factors

Positioning isn’t the only factor in how well your bed suits you. Have a solid headboard, a good mattress, a comfortable pillow and an appropriate frame height makes a difference in your comfort and the style of your bedroom.

Also, some say you’re better off if you eliminate or minimize electromagnetic fields. You might be reluctant to remove your TV, but you may sleep better if you do. Charge your devices somewhere else and, if you want to take it to extremes, replace your plug-in alarm clock with a battery-operated one.

Put It Where You Like It

While rules are worth listening to, ultimately your bed should be wherever you find it comfortable. If it pleases you, you can even position it diagonally in a corner.

The proof is in the sleeping. If it works for you, it’s good. It not, consider these suggestions and try something new.

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